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The More Disciples Podcast | Episode 8

In our recent podcast conversation, we were honored to chat with Tony Dale and learn about his experiences in disciple-making. Tony’s journey, which spans from Barts Medical College to Austin, Texas, is truly inspiring.

Starting at Barts Medical College, Tony and Felicity began creating a community that mirrored the essence of the early church. Fascinated by their success, the pastors in Austin encouraged Tony and Felicity to recreate their model in the USA. Their obedience yielded an extensive community of believers that stretched beyond their immediate environment to impact the nation.

As the conversation progressed, Tony also touched on the challenges they faced during their initial years in America. Building on a foundation that was countercultural made their work demanding. However, they remained obedient to their calling, and their perseverance bore fruit.

In their quest to push the boundaries, Tony talked about the evolution of the movement over the years. He highlighted the importance of maintaining openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading and watching God work His wonders. Their experience has taught them that the Holy Spirit is always at work, even when it’s not apparent.

Tony shared his wife, Felicity’s profound sentiment that encapsulated their lifelong commitment: “The closer we get to the finish line, the faster we want to run.” It is this determination and obedience to their calling that inspires us to strive for more in our journey of making disciples.

Their story is an example that in the process of making disciples, challenges are guaranteed, but so are victories. Their journey demonstrates that the potency of small beginnings and humble obedience can indeed ignite large-scale transformations.

As we continue our journeys of disciple-making, let’s remain inspired by Tony and Felicity’s experiences and take heart in knowing that through humility, openness, and steadfast obedience, we too can strengthen and expand the Kingdom of God.

JC Williams

Author JC Williams

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